Uncomplicate food.

Embrace your whole self.

Honour your individual and collective needs.

Hi, I'm Vincci!

I'm a dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and author of The Mindful Eating Workbook: Simple Practices for Nurturing a Positive Relationship with Food.

I create and hold space for affirming, thought-provoking and generative conversations to help you find an approach to eating and well-being that honours your unique needs.

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I provide services in a variety of settings toward the common goals of inclusive care and a peaceful relationship with food and body for all. Find out more about my offerings:

For Individuals

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Establish a practice of mindful eating with actionable strategies and exercises

The Mindful Eating Workbook offers actionable, mindfulness-based strategies and exercises to adopt a mindful eating practice and nurture a healthy relationship with food.

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