What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

Many people who are in the entrepreneurial and/or business world will know about Simon Sinek. He is perhaps best known for his TED Talk about the concept of “Why” and why it’s important for business and leadership.

For a long time, I really struggled to figure out my why. Or perhaps, I didn’t want to admit what my why is.

My Why is Flexibility and Freedom

I didn’t want to admit what my why is because it seems… selfish. I started my private practice because of the flexibility to set my own hours and the freedom to decide what I wanted my practice to look like. I’ve enjoyed having the flexibility to evolve my practice as I’ve grown as a practitioner. I hope that one day I can be fully supported by my private practice, creating the freedom to work and live on my own terms.

I want flexibility and freedom for you too. I want you to have flexibility in your eating habits and food choices, instead of feeling stuck in rigid food rules. I want you to feel free in your body as it is right now, instead of living by the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. I want you to feel free to eat whatever feels best for you, without guilt or anyone else’s approval, and to appreciate all the things you can do for and with your body, instead of focusing on all the things you “need to” do to it.

Why “Why” is Important

Intuitive eating is hard work, and it doesn’t help that we’re constantly surrounded by voices telling us to go back to dieting. Whether it’s for your health, to act as a role model for your loved ones or even just so that you can spend your time, energy on money on other things, let your “why” be your north star for when times get tough. Let your “why” be your guiding light and your beacon of hope. You are wise. You know that this won’t be all for naught.


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