Meet Vincci

It’s so nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet.
My name is Vincci (like “da Vinci,” but without the “da.”) I’m a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor who dreams of a world where everyone has easy, equitable access to the resources necessary to meet their needs—physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, culturally, and more. It’s this vision that guides the work that I do with individuals and fellow clinicians alike.
In my counseling sessions, I help people reclaim their food and body stories from the untrue, and at times harmful narratives that they have internalized from the oppressive systems that we live in. Messages like, “You have to eat less/lose weight in order to be healthy,” “If it tastes good, it can’t be good for you,” and “Everyone should strive to be healthy.” I support people in reconnecting with and learning to trust their inner wisdom so that they can redefine health, wellbeing, and nourishment on their own terms.
In 2018, I launched a Facebook group with the hopes of connecting with like-minded dietitians in the country as most resources are based in the US. Since then, Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada (WIDIC) has become a thriving community of dietitians, dietetic interns, and students with a shared goal of equitable access to care for all people and bodies. I also offer case consultations and supervision for dietitians to collaborate on complex cases with the 5+ years of experience that I’ve had with this work, along with my unique perspective of being a 1.5 generation Hong Kong-Chinese-Canadian and former bariatric dietitian.
Interested to learn more about how we can work together?
Vincci Tsui (she/her) is a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor with over 15 years of experience based in Mohkíntsis/Guts’its’i/Wîchîspa, or what is colonially known as Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Vincci is the founder of Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada (WIDIC) and author of The Mindful Eating Workbook: Simple Practices for Nurturing a Positive Relationship with Food.
Vincci takes a collaborative, compassionate, and inclusive approach to nutrition care that is person-centred, and informed by anti-oppression, social justice, Health at Every Size®, intuitive eating, mindful eating, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed care concepts. Through her work, she hopes to contribute to a world where everyone has equitable access to the resources necessary to honour their physical, mental, emotional, social, and cultural needs.

Quick Facts
Sun/Moon/Rising: Scorpio/Pisces/Capricorn
Core Values: Compassion, Authenticity, Trust
Favourite Colours: Rose gold, mint green
Favourite Foods: Sushi, pasta, spring rolls, tempura, mangoes, chips, popcorn, mochi, black sesame ice cream
Favourite Beverages: Chai, bubble tea (30% sugar, regular ice)
Favourite Food Memories: All-tofu restaurant near the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan; Getting the very last Whole Truck Burger from the Alley Burger food truck on one of the first days they opened
Favourite Sanrio Characters: Hello Kitty and Gudetama
Amateur Muay Thai Record: 0-2
Current Obsessions: Baking and exploring new-to-us playgrounds with my daughter; Growing my collection of stickers and washi tape for planning/journalling; Watching too much YouTube