A COVID-19 Check-In
Hello out there~~
After putting my daughter in part-time daycare back in February, I was hoping I could spend more time in my private practice—seeing clients, launching the Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada education platform, getting back to blogging and social media. Of course, like the rest of the world, COVID-19 put a wrench in my plans.
I know I’m fortunate in many ways. I don’t personally know anyone who has contracted the virus, my husband and I still have our jobs, our pantry is well-stocked and we’ve been able to get everything that we want and need. Still, like everyone else, we haven’t been able to escape the uncertainty, anxiety, stress, and panic that has come with this pandemic.
Now that I’ve finally been able to carve out a few moments to write, I feel like I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said. There are already so many brilliant posts about:
Why it’s normal and OK for your eating habits to be different right now.
Why BMI is not a risk factor for getting COVID-19 or having more severe symptoms.
Why it’s OK to not be productive during a freakin’ pandemic.
So let me start by asking: How are you? Have you had a chance to check in and have a moment to yourself these past few weeks? Maybe you haven’t out of necessity—perhaps you are a front-line worker, perhaps you’re caring for others, or perhaps that how you care for yourself. Or maybe you have been checking in regularly, though it never hurts to get an extra nudge as a reminder and affirmation.
Wherever you’re at, if it’s safe to do so, I invite you to take a deep breath and check in. How do you feel? Are you noticing any discomfort, or tightness in your body? Resist the urge to fix, or to get rid of it just for a moment, and allow yourself to notice. When we live in a culture that encourages us to suppress, hide, or fix anything “negative” or uncomfortable, sometimes noticing and acknowledging the messages from your body—your inner wisdom—is enough.
If you’re at a place where you’d like to make a change, ask yourself: What can I do to get closer to having my needs met with the resources I have right now? Maybe it’s continuing to breathe and rest, getting a glass of water, going outside or opening a window for some fresh air, fixing a snack. Whatever you decide to do (or not do), be compassionate with yourself. It doesn’t have to be perfect, because we aren’t perfect.
It’s OK if you still feel like you’re floundering. It’s OK to feel like you’re not doing enough, or that you’re a few steps behind. This is true at any time, but especially during these unprecedented times. We’re all trying our best in our own way.
For some folks it’s about keeping busy as a way to distract, to numb, or to feel a sense of accomplishment or normalcy during these difficult times. For others, any suggestion of work or productivity can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. For some, it’s closing in and keeping to themselves. For others, it’s lashing out because they don’t know what to do with their emotions.
We’ve all been touched by this pandemic in some way (hopefully not by the virus itself.) It’s OK to not have it all together. Just surviving—and washing your hands and social distancing—is enough.
“It’s OK to not have it all together. Just surviving (and washing your hands and social distancing) is enough. #COVID19”
If I may ask again, how are you? Please share your struggles, fears, successes, and insights in the comments below.